
Buscando una casa de familia en Vancouver

Corea del Sur
Hello, I'm Chaeyeon, a 22-year-old girl from Korea. I'm looking for a house that can move in from July 1st! I'll be arriving in Vancouver on June 17th. I want to see the house in person after that (I want to make an appointment)
My preferred area is Burnaby, Metro Town and New West

Our preferences for accommodation are as follows:

<Important> You shouldn't have bad bugs at home!!
1. No pets (allergy)
2. The skytrain must be within a 15-minute walk. I want a bank or a mart
3. I'd like to have a private bathroom, but even if I can't contact you, please contact me
4. I want to see the house after 6/17
5. Please let me know if anyone else lives in that house other than me

=> I am not good at English, but I will try to communicate in English!
I lived alone in Korea for a year and worked as a kindergarten teacher in Korea! So I like to talk to children and people. Please contact me a lot!

- Chaeyeon

Fechas solicitadas Presupuesto mensual Perfil
lunes 1 jul a domingo 1 sep (2 meses) $850 CAD
Comidas solicitadas: Desayuno, Cena
No Fuma
Prefiere una casa de familia sin mascotas
Propósito del viaje: programa de vacaciones de trabajo
Entre 21 y 29 años años
¿Este invitado no es el adecuado para tu hogar? Ver más huéspedes que buscan una casa de familia en Vancouver.