English Teacher Homestay

밴쿠버 (Sunset)

홈스테이 캐나다, 밴쿠버

Hi! Welcome to Vancouver, Canada! We are a family of four consisting of mom, dad and two boys. Hosting is something we are very familiar with because we have been hosting for the last 20 years. Our past students have been from a vast variety of different countries and we have learned many different cultures from all of them. It has been a very fun and rewarding experience. As a family we like to enjoy the great outdoors by going on walks or hikes. We also enjoy sightseeing and doing a sporting event with our students. Our family enjoys multi cultural foods from all over the world because our mom is a chef and she likes to cook different kinds of food for us to try. Mom is also an English teacher so that can help with learning and practising English. We live in a modern and spacious home that allows us to enjoy activities such as watching movies in our big living room or having some food and drinks or even just hanging out with some board games and enjoying each other‘s company. Our house is also conveniently located close to transit that goes directly to downtown or other amenities. We are also centrally located with five different parks in the neighbourhood and three schools within walking distance. We would love to have you come stay with us and share our Canadian culture with you while you share your culture with us!

호스트: Anh
  • 2명 13-19세
  • 호스트 비흡연
  • 이 호스트는 다음 게스트를 환영합니다:
    • 어학연수생/교환학생
    • 대학생
    • 성인(20대 중반 이상)
    • 커플
    • 아이들과 함께 여행하는 가족
    • 신규 이민자
    • 출장자
    • 계약직 간호사
서비스 및 편의시설
  • 식사 포함여부: 아침, 저녁
  • 무선 광역 인터넷 (Wi-Fi)
  • 실내 흡연 허용
  • Full service laundry at least once weekly included in fee
  • 해당 홈스테이는 위에 언급된것 이외의 추가요금을 요구 할 수도 있습니다
입주 정보
  • 1 침실, 1명 체류 가능
  • 4주 최소 체류기간
  • 이주를 원할 시 4주 사전 안내 요망

이 홈스테이에는 1개의 방이 있습니다

룸 No1: 1층

1명 체류 가능

입주 가능 날짜: 오늘


지금 당장 연락하기
  • 침대

    • 1 × 더블침대
  • 욕실

    • 공용 욕실 (다른 방문자와 공유)
  • 가구

    • 책상 및 의자
    • 침대 옆 작은 테이블
    • 침실 잠금장치
    • 전신거울
    • 옷장
홈스테이 근처의 학교들

아래에 제시된 거리는 대략의 아이디어를 주기 위한것으로 정확한 정보는 홈스테이 가족에게 직접 문의하세요.

다른 홈스테이들도 둘러보고 싶으세요? 밴쿠버 지역 내 홈스테이 목록으로 되돌아가기.